Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Stress Relief Technique

If you are stressed out right now (as a lot of us are during this time of year) one thing that really helps, that I've found, is breathing through the nose instead of the mouth. Another thing is to close off the right nostril and take 30 deep breaths through your left nostril. (This is called the Sun/Moon Breathe and I read this in the book "Get High Now" by James Nestor, 2009.) If you want to wake up close off the other nostril. The first time you do it it will probably really work and you might get very, very relaxed. If you keep doing it the effect might wear off but it will still help you relax during those stressful days and nights.
By the way, I don't know what long term effect the Sun/Moon breathe has, if any.

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