Friday, October 22, 2010

Yay videos

For my video I decided that I'm going to film myself reading from poetry books and some of my own poetry, with some funky ironic techno music in the back. Hopefully it will get goofy. I need someone to film it (I think I know just the person.) I did a clip myself reading "Letters to a Young Poet" by Rilke and it was kind of boring, no animated voice or gestures. I'm just not comfortable filming random people who might not want to be in someone else's video. I'm not sure where I'm going to get music from. Maybe there are some free download websites where I can get hypnotic dance music and download part of the mp3. I might do some dance performance in the video, just for fun. : ) I might have three or four different clips of me reading, hopefully in different places wearing different outfits. I want one to be outside sitting on the steps of the porch. Yay videos!


  1. Will you dance while reading poetry? I recommend reading separately and placing it over the dancing as a Voiceover. What type of dancing will it be? Will it match the poem's energy or go against the energy?

    If you fidn a good site for free music let me know.

  2. yum dance performance
    I say go against the poem energy but I guess it depends on the poem
