Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tips for saving money

Like a lot of people, i have trouble not overspending. I made up my own list of things that will hopefully help people to spend less money.

-Figure out why you want something-do you want it because other people have it or because you really like it?

-Stuff doesn't define who you are-even if you had only one outfit, your friends and family who love you, would still love you.

-In five, ten, and twenty years you won't remember that you wanted this stuff.

-It's okay to buy things if you want to. Just keep in mind the above before you do.

-Don't use your credit card very often. Take it out of your wallet and leave it at home in a safe place.

-Before going out, eat a meal or have a cup of coffee. If you're going to class or work, bring food and a drink with you so that you won't need to go to Starbucks or Subway.

-Balance is usually the best option. Complete deprivation doesn't work for me, nor does getting everything I want. But overall, the budget is the deciding factor.

-If you can't afford something right now, right it down on a wish list and see if you still want it later when you can afford it.

-I hope that I can follow my own advice here; this is as much for me as for anyone else. I'm getting better! : )


  1. It's great that you're thinking about this now. You'd be amazed at all the junk a person can accumulate if they don't pay attention to what they're spending.

  2. Don't forget coupons! Great way to save a few bucks, especially when grocery shopping.

  3. This is always an interesting dilemma, what should you spend money on?

    I have stopped buying movies on DVD because I rarely watch the ones I do havel I do still buy TV shows because I re watch them all the time. So I feel like the use of an item should also be considered when deciding on purchases.

    At the beginning of each semester I wonder if I should buy the books being read for my classes or just try to find them at the library. I am against writing in books, even if I own them, so there is no need to buy them, particularly since I am not one to re read books.

  4. Those are really good ideas. Any ideas for buying clothes? That is my biggest weakness.
